With big changes come big feelings. Whether it’s moving to a new home or welcoming a new family addition, send your care to little ones and families experiencing life changes. Along with a heartwarming soup meal, we’ve wrapped up a cuddly plush companion, two illustrative board books, and a motivational poster to inspire the whole family.
Your Embrace Change Care Package includes:
- Two 32-ounce containers of soup or mac n’ cheese (4-6 generous servings)
- Six feel-better rolls
- Six comforting cookies
- Slumberkins “Fox Kin” stuffed animal
- “Fox, Your Love Stays the Same” board book
- “Fox’s Big Family Change” board book
- “Changes Can Make You Feel” motivational poster
- A keepsake ladle to serve up the smiles
- Bright, cheer-them-up packaging that's a treat in itself
- A note card with a personal message from you
See Gluten-Free and Vegan versions of this package for recipients with dietary restrictions.
Discover more details about this package below.
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