When someone’s under the weather, send this comforting care package to help them feel better. Along with our classic soup meal, this get-well gift also includes a cozy wearable blanket, comfy socks, symptom-soothing Flu Buster Concentrate, and Wellness Herbal Tea for the ultimate healing wish.
Your Cozy Cold and Flu Buster Package includes:
- Two quarts of soup or mac n’ cheese (4-6 generous servings)
- Half-dozen delicious rolls
- Half-dozen feel-better cookies
- Snuggle Suit wearable blanket
- Flu Buster Concentrate
- Wellness Herbal Tea
- “Feel Better” socks
- “Feel Better Soon” greeting card
- Keepsake ladle
- Bright and cheerful packaging that’s a treat in itself
- Note card with a personal message from you
See Gluten-Free and Vegan versions of this package for recipients with dietary restrictions.
Cooking up your options...