Does Chicken Soup Really Help with a Cold?
Chicken Soup For A Cold
For how many centuries have mothers been bringing their children chicken soup when they feel under the weather? While some are skeptical about how chicken soup may have any remedial effect, some are convinced that there is a truth to the claim.
A team of medical researchers explored the science behind the alleviating effects of chicken soup towards flu and cold. In the study, Dr. Stephen Rennard, a pulmonary expert at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, concluded a report citing persuasive evidence that the soup contains anti-inflammatory properties that may help minimize the side effects of a cold. The suggestions were based on chicken soup being assumed to inhibit the movement of neutrophils, which reduces upper respiratory cold symptoms.
“Chicken soup is good for the soul”
The statement of “chicken soup is good for the soul” has become world-renowned. Allowing our curiosity to play a little bit, why is chicken soup really good for the soul? Let’s entertain some psychology explanations to the phenomenon here.
According to the PsychologicalScience.Org, chicken soup is considered a comfort food. It is because commonly it brings up associations of positive relationships. To prove that claim, a test was conducted. The result was that the case study volunteers had “greater access to relationship related words” and “did not feel as lonely after.”
The positive memories and associations we have with chicken soup are enough to enrich ourselves and our souls. The alleviating physical and psychological effects of chicken soup may be felt more by simply subscribing to the belief of it.